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Conversion to MAT

Conversion to a Multi-Academy Trust

As you are aware, Ryders Hayes School has been an academy since 2011, formally known as Ryders Hayes Academy Trust. It is proposed that the academy trust will convert to a multi-academy trust (MAT), The Primary Learning Trust (PLT), meaning that it can support more than one academy school. We also propose that New Invention Junior School will convert to an academy and join the MAT.


What will becoming a MAT mean for Ryders Hayes? 

Currently Ryders Hayes is supported by its own academy trust, the Ryders Hayes Academy Trust. If the Ryders Hayes Academy Trust becomes a MAT, and forms the Primary Learning Trust, the governance arrangements for the Ryders Hayes School will change. 

This means that our Members,  (5 people chosen from the local community, who have ultimate responsibility for the trust achieving its charitable objectives; agree the articles of association and have power to appoint and remove the trustees), will have responsibility across the MAT. 

Most of our current Trustees who sit on Ryders Hayes Trust Board, will become Trustees on the board of the PLT, with the addition of a small number of new trustees, so that our parent trustees and some other existing trustees can serve on Ryders Hayes School Local Governing Body (LBG), which will be a sub-committee of the new PLT Board.

New Invention Junior School proposes to change its name to New Invention Learning Academy and will be governed by the PLT Board, with a sub-committee, so that their existing parent governors and others can serve on the New Invention Learning Academy Local Governing Body. There will also be two Trustees on the PLT Board serving on New Invention’s LGB.  Both Local Governing Bodies will report to the full Trust Board of The PLT. 


What are the benefits of being a MAT? 

Ryders Hayes has grown and developed over the last 13 years, to be the strong Single Academy Trust (SAT) it is today, in terms of: its moral purpose and drive for high standards and inclusivity; its strong people culture and strategic leadership and governance, and its robust financial management, with collaboration and school improvement at its core. Also a Teaching School from 2011, it has a local, regional and national reach,  acting on the education system, to help other educators to improve their practice. Our MAT vision aligns with that of the DfE’s aims for Walsall: to add additional capacity, particularly in the primary phase … through local solutions and new MAT formation alongside supporting the introduction of high-quality trusts which recognise the importance of place.


In the school’s opinion the benefits are numerous: 

  • we can gain mutual support for teaching and learning as both schools forming the MAT are recognised for their excellence (New Invention Junior is an outstanding school), 
  • we can support other schools in time who may wish to join the MAT to improve their teaching and learning, so that everyone within it can flourish: giving other children the same educational opportunities, and their staff the opportunity to grow and develop,
  • each school joining our MAT, over time, would become a strong, unique, community anchor in their own neighbourhood, rooted and gaining strength from putting the principles and values of the Primary Learning Trust into practice, with the support of the central team.
  • we will have economies of scale when it comes to purchasing goods and services, protecting the long-term financial health of the organisation, creating efficiencies and expanding the impact of strong and expert leadership. 


Are there any disadvantages to becoming a MAT? 

As a MAT, the central board of Trustees (directors) will be accountable for any other academies that join the MAT, not just Ryders Hayes School. This means increased responsibility. However, as part of the conversion process, the governing body will ensure that careful decisions are taken to ensure that the right governance structure and systems are in place to successfully operate more than one academy.


What else will change? We do not intend to change anything else about the day to day operation of Ryders Hayes School as a result of converting to a MAT. Ryders Hayes will maintain its own unique identity, as will New Invention Learning Academy.


How can I find out more? 

There is more information about MAT academies on the DfE website:


If you can’t find the answer to your question here, or on the DfE website, please email Emma Harrington, Office Manager, who will try to assist, and direct your query to the most appropriate person to deal with it.


How can I make representations? 

The closing date for representations to be made is Friday, 1st March. Representations can be made in writing to: 

Emma Harrington

Office Manager

Ryders Hayes School 

Gilpin Crescent





Or by email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


We encourage representations to be made in writing but where this is not possible, please dial 01922 683008 and ask for Emma Harrington between the hours of 9-4pm.

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