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Our Families

We are committed to continuously strengthening our partnership with parents in order to achieve the best outcomes for every child. Parents are always welcome in our school. We understand the significant effect they have on their child’s education, and firmly believe, that by working together, children excel. Each year, parents are expected to work alongside their children in specially designed workshops, so that parents are fully equipped to support their child’s learning at home. We also hold regular parents’ meetings; specific workshops and celebrations, and have termly Learning Passports, Home/School Diaries to encourage dialogue between home and school, and to share information. Parents are invited into school to see and work alongside their children on a regular basis, including joining our celebrations to receive special awards.

We publish a bi-weekly school newsletter and communicate mostly by ParentMail to keep parents informed. Our Wellbeing Leader, Mr Rylance is always available to discuss matters with parents and provide further advice and support, as well as family learning opportunities.


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