Pupil Leadership Team
At Ryders Hayes School our Year 5 and Year 6 pupils are selected by their peers through secret ballet after canvassing with their whole school manifesto. They represent all pupils in their roles in the Pupil Leadership Team as elected Vice and House Captains.
This team consists of a Head Learner, Deputy Head Learner, Careers Learner, Global Citizen Learner, Teaching and Learning Learner, Oracy Learner, EYFS Learner and Wellbeing and Mental Health Learner who meet together as a team each Tuesday.
Representatives from the Pupil Leadership Team report back to the Senior Leadership Team and Trustees.
The roles on the Pupils Leadership Team are awarded following a challenging selection process. This involves a written job application and individual interview.
Our Pupil Leadership Team is: Tomiwa, William, Elliot, Emmie, Zoe, Abigal, Sarim and Hadley
Roles and responsibilities of every member:
• Act as an ambassador for Ryders Hayes both in and out of school.
• Represent the pupil voice including on steering groups for new projects.
• Work alongside the Senior Leadership Team to help to shape our school on its journey of continuous improvement.
• Help the governors to make decisions on behalf of the pupils.
• Meet regularly to feedback to the Senior Leadership Team and governors about key decisions.
• Meet and greet our visitors, new parents and families.
In 2022/23 we have...
- Met every week to discuss important matters and feed back to the Senior Leadership Team.
- Created a pupil voice survey to check children understands their rights.
- Took part in the Macmillan coffee morning.
- Checked every class has their new and updated class charters for Rights Respecting Schools.
- Met visitors and taken them on learning walks around our fantastic school.
- Formed part of this years Rights Respecting Schools Steering Group.
- Attend our Early Years open evening.
- Welcomed Head teachers and Wendy Morton MP (Chief Whip) to launch the Enthuse Project