Science, technology, engineering and maths are becoming increasingly important for our future. At Ryders Hayes we aim to foster inquiring minds, logical reasoning, and collaboration to prepare them for a world where they will use these skills. We provide a wealth of opportunities for pupils to engage in practical investigation making links between science, maths, technology and developing engineering skills. This helps to encourage critical and creative thinking and makes the acquisition of knowledge and skills relevant and interesting.
We are a Rolls-Royce Science and Technology Prize Finalist, which means our STEM project, funded and supported by Rolls-Royce, has been shortlisted along with 6 other schools across the country as being worthy of recognition - see the dedicated STEM Project pages on our website (
ryders-hayes-stem-project) to find out how pupils have benefitted from this project. This has been a catalyst for bringing coding and science learning together as we implement SAM Labs across the curriculum which engages pupils and encourages working collaboratively aswell as critical thinking and creativity.
Starting April 2022, Ryders Hayes will be the lead school in managing a STEM Enthuse Partnership involving 10 schools - 8 primary schools, 1 first school and 1 secondary. We will embark on a STEM project to raise pupil aspirations in STEM subjects, offer bespoke staff CPD (including residentials and industry placements) and provide inspirational pupil enrichment activities to promote STEM careers with a digital focus. This is funded and supported by STEM Learning: