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Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

Ryders Hayes school is a two-form entry primary academy for children aged 2 to 11, with a 60 place Nursery; extensive 30 hours provision for working parents and a pre-school taking ‘Time to Start’ children as well as self-funded places. We have over 500 children on roll including our pre-school children.

Our overriding aim is to foster an inclusive, dynamic; positive, safe and happy learning environment, where our children and staff can thrive, flourish and be challenged, both academically, spiritually and socially, to be the very best they can be. Our child-centred and evidence-informed approach, addresses the needs of the whole child; providing them with much needed life-skills as well as the firm and deep academic foundations they need through: excellent role models; high aspiration, expectation and encouragement to achieve. We develop children’s curiosity about learning, themselves, their peers, their community and the world; inclusive practice; a sense of community (local and global) and strong moral purpose, along with the encouragement of a life-long love of learning and desire to achieve maximum levels of independence.

Our SEND Policy, SEND Information Report and Accessibility Plan can be found on our School Policy and Documents tab under About Us section.

Our SENDco

School SEND- Our SENDco

Our inclusion Team in school includes Mrs Deeley (Deputy Head Teacher & SENDCo) and Mrs Pheasant, both accredited SEND coordinators.

The teamworks alongside class teachers and a number of Teaching Assistants to support children and families to ensure that your child has every opportunity to be the best they can be. 

As SENDco, Mrs Deeley liaises with parents, children and outside agencies to make sure that reasonable adjustments are in place to allow children to be fully included and supported in every aspect of school life. Mrs Deeley reviews the termly progress and attainment of all children on the SEN register, working closely with class teachers to track development against targets. 

Meetings for children at SEN support will be scheduled with their class teacher termly to review individual PLPs (Personal Learning Plans). Mrs Deeley will meet with the class teachers and families for all children with EHC plans to review pupils' PLPs and ensure annual reviews are held.

Inline with The SEN Code of Practice, Mrs Deeley will support class teachers to ensure the needs of all of our learners are met through adapted and adjusted classroom provision where possible in our mainstream setting. 

This may include; 

  • an appropriate programme of intervention and support for children reflect the need to access the whole curriculum.
  • Working with outside agencies and specialists as necessary to assess and work with our children.
  • Additional support for families signposting resources and agencies.
  • Access to resources and adaptations.

Mrs Deeley is available each morning on the playground for anything informal or via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by telephone 01922 683008 at other times of the day.


'Do the right thing to be the best you can be'...

House Points

Willow 62258




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